Sunday, November 25, 2007

They cut you like a word

What have I been doing all weekend, you ask?
Checking the blog.
Only to be disappointed at the lack of entries.
Just kidding. Kind of.

I haven't done anything, really, excapt hang out with my sister and her roommate and Eileen. Every time I tried to leave, I felt guilty because I never get to see my sister, so i didn't go.

I have seen the Walmart baby movie, and I love it. There is no need to make me watch it because I have seen it a total of five hundred times.

Your online trial ran out? That is quite saddening. Really, I am not being sarcastic for once. Leave the kitten alone. It is not its fault.

I would be very proud of you for not using your cell phone except for the part where I called you for raking leaves, and there was no answer. There are still invisible children in the world now.

I have tried for many, many hours to compose a piece for my art project, and I have about four drafts that are completely awful. It is driving me insane. How did these guys do it?

I am sorry you did not get to see your new baby cousin; you repeatedly told me of your excitement.

Charades is okay when your little sister doesn't make the slips of paper that include things like "Hannah Montana", "Zac Efron", "Troy Bolton", "Audrey", "Rachel", "Eileen", "Danielle", "Dad", and "penguin". Though I did like penguin.

I am burning your "Christmas with the Rat Pack" because that is how much I care. There has been a slight problem, however, so that one song says that it is 789 minutes long (though in actuality it does no play) and another is only 22 seconds.

Oh, Christmas. I have set up my Christmas tree in my room, and I must say, it looks awesome. I couldn't think of anything to put on my Christmas list this year. It was pathetic.

I have decided to try Gone With the Wind after Kite Runner and then some other book that my sister and I have wanted to read.

My room is trashed. It is pathetic.

I don't know if I am an over-analyzer. My mom calls me one, as does my sister, but how do they know? Or would they know better than I?

How DID slavery come about? It is such an off concept. Wouldn't people think, possibly, "hey, this is mean. Why are we using these people to do our work?" Why is it that whites were superior to blacks? I wonder if there was any point in history when whites were used as slaves to the blacks.

Ag. My feet are cold. I hate when my feet are cold. That is the worst feeling in the world.

I shall see you tomorrow, Abby.
And I'm in for Wednesday. I am ready to try Rally's.
What will our Homeroom theme be this week?

I had to come back and add this one hour later...
As I have missed both the Invisible Children Meeting and the raking of the leaves, I would like a little fill-me-in. I have just been on the website for a second time, more thoroughly than before, and am wondering if they collect books as well. I think it said something about that in the video. I have a lot of books that I am willing to sacrifice (they aren't classics or anything, just ones from my teen literature phase), and I know a lot of Herron kids do also. Mind telling me all about this at school? I feel kind of worthless so far.

1 comment:

saandandi said...

ah Gone With the Wind is really good! I read it when I was home sick for a couple of days and I couldn't put it down!