Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Still things could be much worse,

natural disasters on the evening news. Still things could be much worse, we still get our help, my paycheck in the mail."

I've been starting the entry with lyrics of the song I'm listening to. Weird.

This year has gone by so fast, golly. It just keeps going. Ah, life, life, life.
I need to call Drew to remember my Scrabble game! I can feel my vocabulary detiorating in it's patience. It's frustrating.

OH! Okay, so was today Auds and Elizabeth Beat Up Abby day? Seriously. First, Elizabeth all day just slowly kills me more and more, and now you Auds? Now you are in on this? My nose is SO much runnier now. Thanks for slamming it into your shoulder. Really, thanks.

I'm glad you are comfortable around me, Auds. Really, I hate awkwardness. It should be annhilated. I am going to start an army against awkwardness, no lie. It is on. That really would be kind of cool, now that I think about it.

I need a hair cut. I would seriously love to just get a bowl cut. Why would I not want a funny hair cut? Can we all please just get insanely goofy haircuts? Just for once in our life? Really, hair grows back. I'm thinking I want to do this. I think I shall, maybe not soon, but sometime in my life.

I am excited for my Christmas CD. I'm still bringing you breakfast tomorrow, even though I do have every right not too. Ah, the things I do for love. I really do love the Christmas season. Just everything about it. It's just refreshing, really.

I need a job. It's depressing. Gah.

I always give in to guilt too. Which just leads to more problems. Is giving in being dishonest? I hate degrees of things. I hate how one thing can't just be one thing, and how I can't think it just to be one thing. I want simplicity.

If you ever call me Scrabble Girl again, I just don't know what I will do. Can I call you Cello Girl? These sound like little elementary note nicknames, ahah. I want to sign everything like that now. No questions asked.

I am seriously so excited for this Concerto Abigail no. 7. I know you've written six already, no need to lie. I am ready for the anger, the sadness, the resentment, but most of all, the happiness and how it will flow like a river right into my ears. I'm excited. Will you be writing lyrics to this piece? Or should I not push my luck? :]

You will be a great addition to Invisible Children, Auds. Despite how often I may argue you are not. It's really going to be great. We (Elizabeth and I) talked to Dr. Cooney about it, and we've got the go ahead for basically everything, aha.

It's weird how math is becoming one of my favorite subjects, aha. Only because I'm doing well. Once I get knocked down though I won't like it again. I'm doing pretty well in school. It's weird.

I wish my mom had made me food when I came home. Instead, I got Taco Bell on the road and now my stomach hates me.

Auds, I will watch Moulin Rouge with you. We will watch it on December 7. No if's, and's, or but's. I am excited. I know I will love it. So there.

Me and you should sit down and make lists. You are the only one else that I know that enjoys making lists. Why would I actually find that really fun?

Hey, no, I know that there are socks thicker than my bear socks. I am determined to find those.

I like New Year's, really. I'm going to be good this year, really. I'm done being bad. Well, can't say I'm done, but I'm definitley motivated to be better. I don't know, I'm just kind of tired of it. It's tiring. It's weird to think of the things you don't know about people. Like, what people's lives really are. Weird.

This New Year's, I want it to big. I want to go to Indiana Beach and like write down everything and then just throw it in Lake Michigan. I think that'd be a good start, like an actual physical new slate. I think it would just help to mentally convince myself. I'm really bad when it comes to self-confidence and not regretting things, ahah. Weird!

I am so excited to decorate the tree with your family. You really just have no idea.

Year-long experiments. Like, what would happen if someone perfectly followed the food pyramid for a year. Or if someone didn't tell a lie for the whole year. Or if someone could survive on a certain amount of money or items, you know? I just have so many ideas in my head.

Don't you wish you could really just be someone else for a day? Not because I don't want to be me, but becuase I would like to be someone else for a little bit, but I couldn't be me in them, I would have to be totally them. I would just want to remember it.

I hope you will like your breakfast tomorrow.

We should broadcast this blogging community. Auds, we WILL be blocked.

1 comment:

saandandi said...

I don't think akwardness really registers for me. And in turn, i seem to just make them worse because i typically find them hysterical rather then akward so I burst out laughing which probably just increases the akward feelings going on among everyone else.

a bowl cut abby? haha, oh man...that might just make my life...