Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Von Trapp heroes

AHHH! Guess who I may be seeing at the symphony in a week and three days? The Von Trapp family! You can only imagine my excitement...the good ol' Tongs pulled through for us and are providing us with the tickets.

If Shari Elf (I wrote Shari the Elf first--I think that is what we should call her) comes on tour to Indiana or any of the surrounding states, you will not have to do any convincing to get me to go. I am already making our fan posters.

Your video is no longer available. I tried.

We have five fingers on each hand because we have five toes on each foot. And we have five toes on each foot because we have fingers on each hand. Which one came first in the confusing process of evolution? Fingers or toes? Did we have toes and then think, "You know, these things are useful to have on feet. Maybe if we had them on these planks we call palms, life would be even easier..."? Hmmm...

I know, new actors are never as wonderful as the old ones. Neither are the movies. Al movies we have today are re-makes, loosely-based off of old ones, or the bad versions of books. Once in a while, there will come along a pleasant surprise in the form of a film new and original, or at least a nice version of an older movie or book.

Woah! I just found out that you can attach pictures! Which one should I attach...

Don't you hate when words you now how to spell look incorrect. I'm always like, I know this is right, but what if it isn't? I'm not the best speller, as was proved by my horrible display at the spelling bee.

As if you need to tell me that Prince Caspian comes out next year...I've been looking forward to that since the last one. May 16, mind you, and it stars Ben Barnes as Caspian. Dawn Treader is in pre-production. William Moseley is my dream man. It is the accent, I swear. If I lived in England, I would probably be a slut.

Oh, your moccasins. I believe I saw the dinosaur. Is that the one that Emily drew on? Not to bring up painful memories, or anything.

The new list...
Your Four Most Ideal Fictional Characters (characters in a book, movie, TV, or play that you would love to be)
1. Jo March from Little Women (my sister and I frequently play the who's who game when we watch movies, and I always get Jo, who is also much cooler in the novel)
2. Belle from Beauty and the Beast
3. Holden Caulfield from the Catcher in the Rye (yeah, he's messed up, but sometimes I envy his carefree/not-so-carefree manner, and he enjoys himself despite his pessimistic outlook on life)
4. Ron Weasley from Harry Potter (I wouldn't want to be Harry because his life is much too stressful...Ron also has the greatest fictional family ever)
Three seemed too short, but five was too long. I like four.

My weekend was just lovely. After receiving little sleep on Wednesday, I received little sleep on Thursday. When I arrived home Friday, I went straight upstairs to take a nap. That only lasted for about an hour and caused me to be late to my friend Jessie's house. Jessie, Eileen (who claims to like you very much), Emily, and I went to a play entitled The Curious Savage. It was quite saddening. Then we bought candles and acted rebellious by hiding the sparkling grape juice under our coats from her mother in the car. We laughed a little too much at this. I think it was the grape juice. Saturday was uneventful, and I was once again tired because the the lack of sleep I received at Jessie's. I got lectured about wanting to buy Lolita, which I have been told is a wonderful classic. How was I to know that it was a bit, ahem, dirty? Three sales associates at Barnes and Noble were talking to my mother and grandmother about how I was much too young to be reading it. My mom kept making jokes about how I was a pervert, and my grandmother was shaking her head at me. It was quite possibly the most embarrassing moment of the month. I can't say ever, because I have an abnormally large number of embarrassing things happen to me.

I have no vegan friends, I don't believe. I can't imagine they have good food. What was this fantastic drink? Not as god as sparkling grape juice, I bet...I am very proud of you for staying home and completing your homework today.

If I'm not done with Anna Karenina by tomorrow, you have my permission to slap me.

1 comment:

saandandi said...

Ah the Von Trapp children are amazing, or at least The Sound of Music is. Sparkling grape juice has strange laugh-inducing powers. Once, at a family 4th of July party, my cousins and I snatched the only bottle of it and ran away with it laughing. A couple adults gave us weird looks. I think they thought it was real alcohol. haha.

And i saw The Curious Savage once a couple years ago at the Belfry. It was very sweet. I still don't like saying Goodbye because of that play (wasn't that the word they didn't like saying because it was too final?)
