Sunday, November 4, 2007

You cannot call me a freak.

Regardless, you were looking at it, regardless, you posted back.

There are rug burns up and down both arms, and nice little battle scars on my wrists.
Note to self: Refrain from balloon wrestling. You will be murdered several times over.

Last night I was beat up several times. It's okay though. My stamina can take it.

So last night after everyone left Trish, Lily, and I watched the 40 Year Old Virgin (which I quickly fell asleep too), and then finally I went to bed. Something about fires and cold weather makes me very tired. This morning I woke up aching all over (balloon wrestling, I'm telling you...), and we made these nasty muffins and finished the 40 Year Old Virgin (which is not very good, if you ask me,) and then my parents picked me up and I fell asleep in the car.

Now, at home, I have taken a nice shower and eaten nachos and my knee is bleeding for some reason. Do you ever think of funny jokes to yourself? Like, good comebacks, but no one is there that you can use it too? I came up with a good one while thinking about needing to clean my closet. Their are clothes almost up to my knee, and I can see my mother saying something about that. "Abby, their are clothes up to my knee in here." "Well, you are short."
I thought it was a good one atleast.

I really hate the sound of vacuuming. (Spelling...) I don't mind to vacuum, really, I don't. I just hate the sound of it.

I'm going to go study for my Algebra test before Auds murders me.
Spaghetti/black and white movie night Friday!
Although you cannot see it on the exterior of Auds, I know she is as excited as I am. True story.

Peace and love.

Thanks for the awkward moment inspiring surprise.
So, I'm in the car emptying my pockets and out I pull your hairtie right when my mom turns around.
Mom: "What is that?"
Me: "Uh, I, uh, I think it's Emily's?"
Emily: "That's not mine."
Mom: "Why do you have it?"
Me: 'Ah, I don't know." (This is when I started smiling and laughing just thinking about the situation I was in.)
Mom: "Why are you smili...(shakes head, turns around). There's something not right with you, Abby."

Thanks, Auds, thanks a lot. Atleast I've got two hairties to put under my pillow now, ahahah. JK!

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