Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Well, we sat on the edge of the river.

The crowd screamed, "Sacrifice the liver!"
If God takes life, he's an Indian Giver.
So tell me now, why? You'll tell me never."
I love this song, aha.

I've never seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but I do know the song.

I'm sorry it has taken me this long to respond. I went straight to my grandma's yesterday. I took her out to Don Pablo's and gave her the gift and she really liked it and it was a good night. I love her so much. Her bed is the warmest thing in the entire world. You can't help but smile when you wake up because it just makes you so content. Gah, I love it.

Anyways, Thankgiving was rather boring this year. But, definitley good food. Noodles, corn, mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, ah, I love it. And we got a lot of leftovers. Not even going to go on about the desserts. I love food so much. I wore my hand turkey, by the way, ahah. The family dug up a picture from when I was in kindergarten and I wore a paper bag Indian vest, a headress, and none other than a hand turkey name tag (not much different from the one you made) to dinner, and it made me laugh. I'm two years away from college and in reality I haven't changed all that much.

My mom is making me go shopping with her at midnight tonight. Oh, golly.

I like the silence after a good song. What I do hate is 1) live CD's. The applause before every song and the yelling during drives me insane. 2) When there's a long silence during the song. Like, afterwards, and it just won't move on. I hate that, in any song.

Is your cold any better? I'm now up to sneezing four times in the shower, ahah. Auds, you are going down. I hate being sick. Especially now. This is my favorite kind of weather. I'm telling you, it will not keep me down.

Agh, so, I will definitley work on that history paper Sunday. I've read all of the interviews. I don't get it. How could slavery come about? Like, I just don't get how anyone can think they are better than anyone. I just can't comprehend that. I just don't get it. Why does money have the biggest drive? Gah.

I was thinking about this today. Any form of government could work, if it was done right, and fairly. Like, communism for example. I like the idea, just it has a bad wrap because it went power/money insane. You know?

I'm reading The Grapes of Wrath. It's very good so far. It really makes you think, and I just like the way it puts things into perspective.

I found my water gun. :]

I think that all the time! (C.S. Lewis really went to Narnia, J,K. Rowling is an English professor at Hogwarts...) Maybe not that detailed, but really. I don't understand how it is not possible. We are the ones that created "reality," the ones that have made the line between what can happen and what can't, and we continually prove ourselves wrong over time. Why is this any different?

I think imaginations make life so much better. Whenever there are a lot of people around do you ever make up their life stories? Like, when I'm in a restaurant and someone comes in I'll just form this story in my head about why they are here and who they've known and just what there life has been like. Do you ever do that? Or when I'm just driving. I'll look at the car next to me and make up where they are going and why. I always wonder how right I may be.

Everything is a difficult concept to understand. I think it was my sister, who in a fit of desperation while doing her math homework asked me "Do we ever really understand anything?" I thought it was funny how such a philosophical question came out of that situation, but it's definitley stuck in my head. I do not know, to be honest.

I want to know who started making choices. Who said what can't happen, who said we need this, yadda ya. I want to know. Why did Hammurabi make those first set of laws? Why was he even chosen to be put in power in the first place? Who was the first leader, and why? I just don't get it. I wonder what choices I would make if I had the power, you know? I'm not sure.

Ah, I feel bad for your past owners. Do you ever wonder if everything was meant to happen? I hope the wife is happy wherever she is, and I hope the husband is too. I don't get why people hate the "bad guy," really. Like, sure, he caused a lot of unahappiness and drama but isn't it obvious he wasn't happy? Shouldn't we want everyone to be happy? Hm, I just never really got that.

Ahaha, it could be quite possible that my entire life story would be entitled Audrey and the Blog. I wonder if anyone knows absolutely everything about someone. I don't think anyone knows everything about me. That's weird to think about, I think.

That whole "I am me." Is weird. I am me, but who am I? Ahah, oh no. There are just so many questions. I don't think people should define themeselves. You know, like, I think it's like, we are all each other. Does that make sense? I don't think you can not act yourself. I hate when people say "That wasn't like you." Well, that was me in that moment. That was how I felt and I acted on that. I just don't think anybody is definable.

I didn't mean I would change everything I don't like, no, that's stupid and selfish. I'm just talking about things like world hunger and genocide. Things like that. Do you ever wonder if "Everything happens for a reason," is actually applicable to everything? That scares me.

It's not that age holds me back, it's just that it's hard to get people to take me seriously. For example, the Invisible Children club. I can't exactly fly out to the headquarters in California or wherever and have a meeting. I can start, but I can't do everything. It's not legal to.

Oh, and I did remember to tell Memaw you wished her a happy birthday. She said "Oh, really? What a sweetheart." And then I told her she should not like you, and I gave her twenty-five reasons why.
Just kidding, aha.
She thinks you are a "sweetheart."

I think I am going to go eat some leftovers and then take a nap and get pumped for midnight shopping. Gah, no. This will be interesting.

I hope you are having fun with your sister by the way!
Did anybody check the paper for out turkey?

1 comment:

saandandi said...

Ah! lydia and i do the same thing sometimes with making up stories about the people riding in the cars next to us. Except ours usually end up being kinda outragous, like one couple was part of the mob and they were looking for a new location for their headquarters or something. And then we said these other people were going to a regea(sp?) concert.