Monday, November 5, 2007


That math star is coming. I know it.

My favorite funniest movie quotes (excluding Bat-Dog because that has already been shared):
1) Is this some kind of radical new therapy? --What About Bob?
2) Joe. Johnson. John. Joe John. Johnson, Joe. Joe Johnson. --Orange County
3) "Seven cents, Vern?" "I haven't found my pennies yet!" --Stand by Me

That was extremely difficult. Pardon me, every great comedy ever made that I have forgotten.

Yesterday, my mom asked me about some movie, and I was like, "I love that one!" and she asked me if there was any movie I didn't like. So, of course, I had to make a list. She eventually became annoyed and told me to stop.

When our blog becomes famous, people will just call it "The Blog". There will be no need to give it a title because everyone will read it and know what others are talking about when they reference to it. Example: "I'm gonna go read THE BLOG tonight to see what that AudreyandAbby are up to." "Man, I checked THE BLOG during first period. Those guys are awesome..."

Andrea and Sarah need to create blogs. It will be a fun little after-school homeroom chat!

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