Monday, December 3, 2007

While we are on the subject.

I am old friends with that saying by Ghandi. I've heard it several times but it never really inspired me. I get it, it makes sense. But have you ever wondered if maybe, possibly, what you really truly want, maybe we all want? Like what we want isn't really that different, it'd make more sense to me. I can see it too, but I don't know. You're giving me homework now, Auds? Oh, golly. My homework for you is to just everyday when someone makes you smile you have to hug them, ahaha. That would be amazing. I'm talking full-on hug, too. Grab them by the shirt and wrap them untill they ask you why you are hugging them. Then just smile and walk away. Will you please do that? I might even do that, aha.

It's not that I don't want you to be loved by my family, I just don't understand the affection they already feel for you when you've never even met them. Well, you have met my mom, but my Memaw? I just don't get it. They don't usually like many of my friends, or are very judgemntal. But you, nope. It's weird, aha.

I cannot even imagine life without the Blog anymore, and that's pretty sad, really. Kind of. We should publish it sometime. Forty-two is a cool number. I've always had the number sequence 18-27-36-42 in my head. I wonder what that means. A possible future lottery victory?

I really hope your biography is published. I don't think you understand how happy that would make me, aha. I would love it.

I really want to be on the Brownsburg Public Library calling list. I would convince you that you had the wrong number just to hear what you'd do. Oh, golly. An awkward moment with Auds. It's so weird. I haven't had one in months. I miss them, aha. Ah, well.

I hope you liked your surprise and that you didn't have your standards a lot higher. I tried the Christmas-y string to make it better, that you are now wearing as a bracelet.

I know I'm never going to know all of the answers, or probably half them, but I can't even form my own opinion. I feel almost too open-minded. Therefore not being able to define who I am. It's frustrating. I can always see both sides, and really I guess that's a good thing, but it's frustrating. We are all lost. Maybe it's an age thing. I mean, I really don't think you just hit a certain age and everything makes sense, but everything comes in time.

This funny hair cut is getting old. It'll grow pretty quickly though. I give it a month to be right where I started, aha.

I don't know if I'm ever really sure with anything I do.

I love Kanye's music, but not him. He has such an ego. I do feel sorry for him. It'd be really hard to lose your mom.

"Girl With the Purple Streak" could be relative. While I would be the original, you could be the new and improved, because purple was never my color. I don't like purple either. I'm glad you don't. It's just a weird color. We should get complimentary colors, Auds! My hair does need dyed again. Oh, the possibilities.

You have straight A's, Auds. I don't. I've had a couple C's from last year, and I had B's last quarter. Dumb! I'm trying, though. I'm not ready for this Latin exam at all, but I got some missing assignments in today. I'm catching up like no other, aha. McNeal will pull through. I would trust her with my life.

I will NOT be harshly let down, Auds, thank you very much. I am confident that Friday will be one of the best days of my life. What was I thinking when I took on ticket sales? Oh, well, aha. When I think about it, the school is overtaking my life. My life outside of it is getting smaller and smaller, but I kind of like it, aha. I am so, so EXCITED for this tree decorating.

I don't hate cleaning, oddly enough. I get stressed out when things are dirty. My room is very clean now. I like it this way, aha.

I'm actually re-thinking my opinion on forever-friendships, kind of. Like, I believe people enter and leave your life accordingly, but I never thought I just haven't had that really good of friends ever. That's changing though. And by loyal I meant that when people are my friends I take that seriously, if you can get what I'm saying. I don't know. I've had a weird life, but hey, I've been everywhere, and that gives me a little of everything. Things were meant to be, I suppose. Loyalty has nothing to do with time. I know I have the ability to be independent and confident, but those are too totally seperate things. I'm independent, but not all that confident. And sometimes, I'm really not that independent. I think I'm just in a weird transition state right now. Everything I'm used to is gradually changing, and while I know it's for the better, it's hard.

I never once said it doesn't get better! I'm a firm believer in that it always gets better. And sometimes, when you think you've hit bottom, you haven't, but hey, when you do, it only gets better. I would never tell anyone that something can't be fixed, or that it won't get better. No, that's something I really truly believe in.

That is genius! The guppy funeral, that is. I think I want to be shrunk and then flushed when I die, aha. Just the irony of it, ahah. It could be really symbolic but really I take it as a total joke, aha. Oh, that'd be good, aha. No, when I die I want to be thrown into the ocean, and that be in the end of it. I want my funeral to be fun though, aha. Ah, I don't want to die. I don't think I'll ever be ready to, but who's to say that. You know, I really did wish I had a one day's notice before I died. I wouldn't really try to avoid it, but I'd definitley put everything out there.

Yeah, maybe everyone is holding someone's answers. I like that. I also believe that you know, sometimes, when you are missing something, that other people hold that. You know how you get different feelings around different people? I love that. We are all here for each other, really. I wish more people could see that.

You messed up the labelings? How did this happen? Ah, well, I can fix them for you Friday.

I am going to go read, eat a Mexican pizza (I love those, so much!) and then do my homework, and probably call you when I begin to tackle Algebra. How fun! I am wearing the sweater you washed and it smells so good, aha. Really. Emma even said you smelled good, so it's not just me. And I figured out you didn't switch detergents. I hate the fact that I can figure these things out, aha. Only with you, Auds. Well, I'll probably be talking to you later. I wonder if we have anymore popsicles...


taylorcasualty said...

how do you do that whole friends linking thing?

Lydia and Callie said...

I have your hat now, i stole it from Ands, it smells like love. this is lydia btw, how do i add you as a friend?

saandandi said...

i believe in lifelong friendships, but mainly because my parents' best friends are from when they were in 3rd grade(my dad) and 14(my mom. imagine being friends with someone that long? id love it.
and i always thought u were really confident-you just seem to be able to take control of situations very well and you dont seem scared to say things that need to be said

saandandi said...

when i die i want to be creamated and then have my ashed scattered. i want to die someday though, does that sound a bit morbid? i don't know, i guess the idea of being stuck on earth forever will all this war and having my friend grow old and perish would drive me insane. this subject kind of reminds me of Tuck Everlasting. such a good movie/book.