Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's too easy humming songs to a girl in yellow dress

I am tired, but deem in necessary to at least begin on this next post. Sure, I might only reach a few paragraphs in depth, but that's okay.

I see you have figured out how to bold and italicize while writing on the blog and have found it an interesting tool. Someday, I too will learn this, but until this wondrous day, you are not allowed to hint. Hmmm...ctrl and B? I tried. I don't think it worked quite perfectly.

I can't wait until it is completely warm, and it is completely March, and life is completely wonderful. I don't like any of this halfway stuff. I almost cussed there. Almost. The anger!

I would suggest a date, but it seems a little inappropriate with the current circumstances in which we are dwelling.

I am in a writing mood! I think it was that persuasive paper. I was in. the. zone.

Here is the break in which I escape to my (cold) bed without taking a shower because the shower is (cold), and I plan on wearing several pairs of socks because my feet are (cold), despite the (warm) weather.

I know you hate when people tell you this, Abby, as you wrote in your last post, but I really, really, really want you to be happy, and even though you keep saying you are, I do not QUITE believe it. So goodbye. Good night.

Ah. Good afternoon.
Katie just grabbed my sketchbook and said, "Can I draw you a picture? Can I draw you a picture so that you'll remember me forever?" It was the cutest thing in the entire world, I'm pretty sure.

I have no homework, and yet, I feel incredibly busy. I might just go and take a nap.

I looked up some Tegan and Sara lyrics because I just could not understand everything they were saying, but now I know, and it makes me happy understanding them. They are actually quite nice lyrics.

Cabbage-head, how are you? I hope you have had a wonderful day. Your sleepy encounters made me chuckle. I see now why you are unable to sleep ever. Though they usually go to bed QUITE early, do they not?

Get working on that English paper, kiddo.

I apologize for being so strong and powerful. Don't make fun of those who secretly weigh four hundred pounds. I love how pounds is abbreviated "lbs". It kills me.

Metaphors are like the whole saying things poetically so that nobody understands you. Sure, it sounds beautiful and intelligent, but I would rather have people know what I'm getting at. Sorry, Shakespeare, you ARE good, but there are better writers who don't make people feel stupid. Isn't that the whole point? What is this code for the educated? This is why stupid people get stupider, and smarter people get smarter. Let's NOT be limited to a couple of books, just because we don't know what a fortnight is.

Ah! Abby, "you're not unfaithful, but you'll stray"! Perfect!

Why do people create these online ads where you choose between "Britney Spears, Oompa Loompa, or Jessica Simpson" so that you can win a free iPod? Do you even ever get a free iPod, or do people make these for kicks and giggles? I know that we were always told in school not to click on them and they are all a huge joke, but what started this, and are they all jokes? I think I'm going to start clicking on them. Sure, my computer will get a virus, but it's no good anyway.

Oh, goodness, once running starts with Hobbs, I might need to shave. I haven't shown you them in a while. Remind me tomorrow. You will be A-Mazed.

Do we have school on the 21st? Please say no, please say no, please say no. I have my reasons, most definitely.

I don't know what you would do with the rest of your life. Maybe return to all the other people you make out with? Hmmm....What if she was so right, and you are this huge whore, and I had no idea? I might actually get upset. Just not in front of everyone. You will never know...

Oh, goodness, alien movies. I don't know if I'm prepared to see you get terrified. What is this obsession of yours?

AHAHA! I used it, there. For a second, I forgot that I was reading Belle and Sebastian lyrics and thought I was reading your post, and I was like, "Why does Abby want to take a walk in the park and a Valium pill?" It was really actually quite concerning. No walks in the park with Valium. Walks in the park are good, but no Valium.

Well, nobody elongates your name, and nobody shortens mine, so I guess we had to be different. I have been brainstorming for my ten items I am supposed to add to the list (because having sixty is just not enough, apparently), and you better get excited. Oh, gosh, I just looked down and saw "Vienna boys choir", and that's it. Yes!

Tomorrow you get to wake up and say, "Today is the day I get to say hello to Auds and sing her a spontaneous tidbit that rhymes!" That is your assignment for January 10th. Wo-hoo!

I hate those headphones that go around the back of your head. They don't look comfortable or correct.

I hate saying that something doesn't look right, because who am I to judge, but sometimes things just do not look right.

I am just is a jazzy mood. That is the only way to describe it. I am ready. For what, I am unsure, but I am!

It is weird having so much control over something. I wonder how it was decided that we would become people. Really. Did we already have our minds all set, and they (whomever they may be) were all, "This one has good ideas. Send 'em down." It confuses me to no end. Maybe, one day, I will know. I'm hoping for some answers, at least when I die. I think reincarnation sounds so exciting. THAT is the new frontier.

NO HOMESCHOOLING! We will be busy parents with jobs to do, we don't need to spend all of our time teaching ungrateful children. I hope our kids get along. The whole, big brother protective thing. I always wanted that. Rachel's been good, however. What happens when they go through their "I hate my parents" phase? What will we do? I'm not worrying about this. Not actually. Nope.

I'm easily swayed with about everything. Maybe it is good to easily sway with your mood? Nobody wants to be happy all the time, and certainly no one likes to be sad. My mom used to tell me that I enjoyed being sad way to much. This makes sense, you know? Like, if I were anything but depressed, I would be out of my limit, and this would be uncomfortable. One can become so used to being sad that they wouldn't want it any other way. There is comfort in consistency.

I get to work at the library on Sunday supervising a Chronicles of Narnia event! Ah! I love Narnia!

Ah, we could never abandon all head rubs. Today in music, Cameron was leaning in on my shoulder, and I automatically reached for his head and played with his hair until I realized that his is much thinner and less fun than yours, leading me to realize that it was NOT yours, and I removed my hand, you would be happy to know.

You have done a lot of numbering, as well as bold and italicize (which I STILL have not figured out--no hints!).

It is sometimes nice being compared to people because you have some idea of who you are, or how you are perceived (which is important to everyone, despite what some people say--you can't completely not care how others see you). That is, until you feel like people think you ARE that person, which becomes annoying. I can't think of anyone anyone is exactly like. I like not knowing everything about people. I try not to pry, though I tend to (not as much as SOMEBODY, however), but it really is nice having something to grow close to. Not that I don't want to know this, but I want to talk and "bond" before I learn everything. Does this make any sense? I don't want to know everything because I eventually want to know. Ag. I have no idea.

Romaine lettuce, yogurt, strawberries, and carrots are all supposed to be part of the daily diet, I have just informed. Good to know. Good. to. know.

I went office chair racing with Rachel, Anna, and kind of Eileen when we went to visit her in Evansville. The Business building has the perfect floors, chairs, and ramps for this. If you ever go to Evansville, we will have to participate, because I'm telling you, it is HARD-CORE.

Abigail, I am lucky to have met you. I do like this. To think that someone has benefited by someone else's presence is a nice idea. Very kind and unselfish.

Most of what you say are theories and ideas and cannot be proven wrong--they are what you believe, and absolutely no one has the right to tell you they are completely wrong. They can offer other theories and ideas, ones that may refute the ones you are speaking, but they cannot come out and say, "This is stupid. And wrong." And if they do, you have the right to stand up for yourself. This is where you are weak, Abby. Stand up for yourself when people say you are wrong. It is allowed. At least in my book, which is all that matters.

What is this "my book" that we all speak of. Is it the mind? The heart? Is it all of our thoughts and opinions put into this massive book? What is we all started saying, "Our book", as in the collective thoughts of everyone everywhere? That would be pretty darn cool.

I am no longer sure I like my concerto. I'm just worried I'm not going to be able to play it, now. I'm not used to playing in front of people. Really. I hate nervousness.

I was not aware that I put "fiddler on the roof" on your CD. Man, you have been truly blessed.

I'm starting to doubt all concrete answers that might exist. Their existence, I mean.

I think I found the bold? Is this bold? Gosh darn it!

I'm sorry if the rest of this is written in bold. What are bold tags? What happens if you put them everywhere? Oh, gooseness.

Abby, I would never hit you if I were in a bad mood. I am usually able to walk/run/ride my bike/write/dance it out. But, maybe one day I will enter the school angry at the world and slam your head really hard? Are you saying this would not upset you? Your shoulders are not too bony to cry on, and anyway, I always thought this was a metaphor for having someone there for you when you were upset. I probably completely made this up.

I'm glad you appreciate my quoting.

Do you ever read something really descriptive, like, "she waved her hand in circles in front of her blurry eyes, aching for the ability to see" and you realize the next minute that you are waving your hand in little circles in front of your eyes? Is this just me?

I understand. Urge them? Judgement can be the worst and the best thing in the entire world. It makes up feel horrible, but then, without it, we would have no idea what is good or bad besides instinct, which usually isn't enough. If I weren't constantly criticized by my mother, I would be a much different person. Sure, one with a higher self esteem, maybe, but one who doesn't have any idea how to act kindly or...er...correctly?

Thug nasty? If this is a music term, it is obviously proving my point, as I have no idea what you are talking about.

"My mom...well...when she discovered that I had been living in the streets, it hurt her pretty terribly. And the idea that you were no longer in my life nearly crushed her. No one to make spaghetti for? My, oh my, poor woman. Dad's as oblivious to everything as he usually is. Neither of my sisters have spoken with me since...since the breakup." At this, the Ragpicker looked down at the enormous pizza that had just arrived. Speedy service. She cleared her throat (coated in a thick layer of snoat as usual) and spoke once again. "How, um, how have you been these years? What have you been up to?"

I hate when Hank wants food and I never have any. Even if you do not want to, you will always have to give our Saint Bernard (which I have decided should be named Francis) and scraps that come your way, or Francis and I will be gone out of your life for. ev. er.

Three Most Desired Possessions
1. Really massive, old-school headphones. I have always wanted a clunky set. Possibly in a neat color? I'd take the black too.
2. A hard-cover, hard-core dictionary. It can be old or new. I'm not picky. I love my pocket dictionary, but I think it is time to move on.
3. Good allergy medicine. I know you are agianst medicine, but I really need some. Soon.

I hope you have a wonderful time writing and sitting by your open window.
I will go play my cello.
It isn't like I NEVER do this. Not like every spare moment is spent with it being played.
That was


nessie said...


Sweet Tea & Midnight Slushie said...

My Goodness, do you DO homework? Well, I guess no one has posted for two days, so it's ok. Just wanted to ask, how do you upload pictures to the blog? Kayla and I definitely need some outrageous pics to complete ours.