Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm a baby,

in a womb, still. Not still, physically, still as in continuous. Still as in, the same, for awhile.
Don't you like when you flee? When you can forget everything for just a little while, and be happy? But then, the feeling afterwards, that's what ruins it all.
"Atleast I haven't destroyed anything."
If we could all find a way to get around that feeling, of regret, or again, humility, I wonder what the world would be like.
Some people say we need regret, to tell us we did something wrong, but all this time, no matter what, I've wondered why it has to be wrong in the first place.
I'm just thinking.
I've got my bathing suit on for now apparent reason, other than that I should do laundry, but I do have other clothes. I don't really know why.
'Haunted' made me think a lot, in a good way. It made me feel better, not so cynical. Not that the book wasn't cynical, no, it was. But, I realized I don't exactly think it's all like that.
What would happen if we knew what was after?

Adventures in Oxford, Mississippi
I still have to sing that song, to remember, how to spell it.
I saw Transformers last night, and it was good. I've made friends with all guys, which is kind of weird, but eh, it's a good time. Antonio, Marcus, and Rayford.
Also, yesterday, was bowling. Which was fun, and I met some new people.
I have a lot of homework.
I'm learning.

Won't you tell me a story?


Andrew Kirchofer said...

Guess who was stalking you and found your Blogger?! ;)

Lydia and Callie said...

i'm glad you guys are writing again. i makes my heart happy!